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June 14, 2010 Comments (0) Views: 5801 Music

Nerd Music: The Protomen

The Protomen

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Do you like Mega Man? Do you like epic, multiple act, rock operas? Then, The Protomen may be the band for you.
Hailing from Tennesse, The Protomen first took the stage a few years back with their self-titled debut album. Using the basic Mega Man mythos as a springboard, it played out scenes of a dark future, where Wily has already taken over the world and Mega Man sets out to avenge his fallen brother Protoman. Each track varies from high octane fight music, to a depressing funeral march.

The second album is actually a prequel to the first, telling the tale of Doctor Thomas Light, and the downward spiral of his dream to build machines to help mankind. One might think the over-arching story would be hard to dive into, but there are plenty of solid standalone tracks (such as the first album’s energetic “Vengeance” or Act II’s single “The Father of Death”). The band is mysterious, using codenames instead of their birthnames. Their lead vocalist (simply known as “Commander”) even wears a helmet during each performance. Everything came full circle for the band when Electro group Makeup and Vanity Set created an 8-bit cover version of the entire first album.

You can find tour dates, albums, and more on The Protomen’s website.
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