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October 24, 2011 Comments (0) Views: 6178 Videogames

Sega gives away iOS games for free!

Your train ride home is about to get a lot more fun at no extra cost. SEGA announced today that they will be offering two balls-out awesome games, Super Monkey Ball 2 and Streets of Rage 2, for iOS. Completely. Free. On October 23rd, Super Monkey Ball 2 will roll through iTunes for free, followed by Streets of Rage 2 on October 28th. Follow the links below to download the games, just be sure to not pay anything.

Super Monkey Ball 2 :
Streets of Rage 2:

In case you have neither eyes nor hands, because anyone with either should have played these games to death by now and be ready for another round, Super Monkey Ball 2 is a new take on the classic Marble Madness. Use the gyroscope of your phone to tilt the ball, piloted by an monkey no less, towards the end of the maze, avoiding pitfalls and traps along with way. Streets of Rage 2 unleashes Blaze, Skate, Axel, and Max Thunder back into the gritty city to take on Mr. X and his unlimited supply of punchy hoodlums in one of the bet side scrolling beat ’em ups to date.

There, now you know what you’ll be getting for free in a fews days. So go get them!

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