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Gay Nerd of the Month: Sweetdee

January 3, 2011 Comments (0) Views: 5587 Forum, Nerds, Website News

NY Nerd Meetup!

Fellow nerd site, Gaygamer is organizing a nerd meet up (Thank you Ruben!) and you’re all welcome to join!
When: January 8th 2011, 6:30pm
Where: Chinatown Fair Video Arcade
8 Mott St
(between Chatham Sq & Worth St)
New York, NY

cat party
The plan is meet up, hang out, play video games and socialize for 2 hours. Afterwards, we’ll grab dinner at a nearby restaurant in Chinatown. Then we’ll hit the clubs or hang out elsewhere for the non legal folk 🙂
I will be waiting near the entrance at 6:30pm to 7:00pm to meet up with you guys. If you’re worried about finding us, head over to my Gay-Nerds profile (you need to be registered on the forums to view it) and you’ll know who to look for (ie the tall asian guy with dorky glasses making an ass out of himself with some arcade game). Also, PM me on the forums for a phone number to text if you think you’ll be late and want to catch up with us
I look forward to seeing you guys! Keep track on the forums for pictures 🙂

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