RCE #5 – Look to the Future

First NYC Nerd Meet-Up!

January 11, 2011 Comments (0) Views: 5141 Books, Comics, Nerds, Website News

RCE # 6: The Excitement Show

This episode features a frank discussion of the usage of the “n-word” in works of literature. We’ve censored the word here on the front page, but we don’t in the podcast. Listen at your own discretion.

We also have a special (you could say Super) guest on this week’s show. Click the jump for more info.

This is a hint. It is also awesome.

RoganJosh stops by to talk about GeeksOUT, a new organization dedicated to fighting crime and the forces of evil! That description is only fairly accurate. You should check out their website for more info on their mission and the event they’re hosting later this month.
Make sure you head over to the forums to comment on RCE.
And you can join the Huckleberry Finn discussion in this thread.

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