Pull Review for August 14, 2013

On Batwoman, Gay Marriage, and DC’s Editorial Interference.

August 28, 2013 Comments (25) Views: 12044 Comics, Television

My Little Pony Motion Comic

All you My Little Pony fans and Bronies out there have got to check this out. IDW and Madefire got together to make motion comics out of the My Litte Pony comic franchise.

It has been fantastic to see our properties come to life as Motion Books — with just the right amount of animation and audio, it has truly created a new experience,” stated Jeff Webber, IDW’s VP of Digital Publishing. “Additionally, the partnership with deviantART exposes our comics to an incredibly broad network of illustration fans

The move to digital reading is about more than just scanning in print — we are at the start of a new grammar for books,” said Ben Wolstenholme, CEO of Madefire. “We are pleased to welcome IDW’s comic book properties to help continue to evolve the medium of Motion Books.”


Read the motion comic online here. Be sure to read it full screen!

or read the comic on the Madefire app here



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