This second installment of “Five Gay Anime this Season” is about another second–the second season of Ookiku Furikabutte. Big Windup! (I didn’t want to mix Japanese and English) follows the boys of...
Every Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall, Japan releases a slate full of new shows. With the current industry in a phase of do-nothing lameness heralded by K-On (look it up if you dare), creativity and quality have been...
Dear CamwthGrls69, I do not want to see your penis. This might seem strange to you what with me being a girl and you being a penis, but I’m not interested, okay? No, telling me how big you are isn’t going to help....
In this weekly feature, we’ll be highlighting various musical acts that are centered around nerd culture. These will include video game chiptune creators, comic book rock bands, or just a well-known composer. Our...
Welcome to the first installment of “Are they, or aren’t they?” Here, we look at various characters in pop culture and pose the question of whether or not they are gay (bisexual in some cases). I...
I made this website with a forum. Gay nerds, a niche of a niche. I am looking for contributors and ideas, so I would appreciate some posts in the forum and whatnot and eventually, I will make it live and start...