In 1986, The Legend of Zelda was released for the NES. did not exist then, and most of the staff wasn’t born yet. In 2011, Nintendo celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of Zelda by releasing a 3D...
Green Lantern brings DC Comics’ most space travelling hero to the big screen for an adventure that, while not nauseating, fails to satisfy the hardcore comic book fanbase while still treating newcomers like idiots....
Dear Dr. Gay Nerd Smart Nerdy boys are hot, they get my juices going. They talk smart, look all cute and are totally always having good ideas for games, movies and most are wild in bed. Athletic Nerds are even better,...
I personally had no idea that the famous composer Tchaikovsky was homosexual and I have a feeling that the majority of people who haven’t studied a music history class probably don’t know this either. His music is...
Gender: Male Age: 24 Location: Halifax, Canada Forum Screen Name: Harps Orientation: Gay GN: Congratulations on being June’s Gay Nerd of the Month! Harps: Thank you very much. It came as a very nice surprise. GN:...
Look, there’s no way I can be partial or unbiased about this record. It’s my favorite record of all time. It helped me get out of many a dark spell. It opened my ears to music beyond oldies radio and...
Hey “Dr.” Gay Nerd I am a college student in a small rural college town, and don’t really fit in anywhere. Obviously I’m gay, and so I don’t fit into straight society, but I also find that...