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June 21, 2011 Comments (0) Views: 5354 Videogames

LoZ: Ocarina of Time 3D Explodes into NYC

In 1986, The Legend of Zelda was released for the NES. did not exist then, and most of the staff wasn’t born yet. In 2011, Nintendo celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of Zelda by releasing a 3D version of Ocarina of Time onto the 3DS. This time, GN was on the scene for the event.

Okay, dramatic introduction aside, gamers flocked to the Nintendo World Store on Sunday morning to pick up a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. Hundreds of people of all ages flowed through the store between 11 am and 2 pm, the event’s scheduled run, but countless others passed through later to snatch the legendary game’s remake.

Guests were treated to a quick line and efficient distribution system set up by the veteran store; despite the long lines, Paranoia, NoteDhero, and I held a copy of the game (and neat keychain of Link riding Epona) within minutes of entering. But a three dimensional battle to save Hyrule was not the only thing waiting for guests that day.

Game stations set up around the store enabled customers to play some of Link’s other notable adventures, including the original Legend of Zelda, Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link, and A Link to the Past. While I took delight in childhood memories of liberating Triforce pieces, Paranoia and NoteDhero joined in a storewide search for twenty hidden golden skulltulas amongst the merchandise to enter a prize drawing later in the day. Despite Note’s hopes of winning a free Wii or some other fantastic prize, we walked away empty handed from the drawing.

It’s okay, they were just free shirts. We didn’t want them anyway. *sniffle*

If you’re ever in the New York area, the Nintendo World Store events always deliver a good time, and if you’re really lucky, chances to win prizes or even meet some of the people behind Nintendo’s games and vice-like grip on our childhood memories. Check out the gallery to see some pictures from the event and make sure to visit the forums to talk about Ocarina of Time 3D, past Nintendo events, or just to comment on NoteDhero’s Ganon impression.
















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