Gamerant, a German division of Amazon, has discovered that Microsoft will be launching a special Batman: Arkham City version of their Xbox 360. The system will have a 250g hard drive, one controller, as well as one...
…Because it ends and you can’t keep playing. The footage subtly highlights some awesome elements for the game, including flying between mountain tops and skydiving towards destinations, hookshot grappling...
singlepic id=267 w=600 h=250 float=center As of September 27, the original super hero MMO City of Heroes has joined the ranks of Champions Online and soon-to-be-free DC Universe Online. Players that waited seven years...
The first time I saw the opening intro of Devil May Cry, which was back in 2001, I knew I was gonne be in for a fun time. The way Dante just stood there with the sword plunged on his chest, barely acknowledging it, I...
In a intriguing article posted by, it explored the different psychological approaches developers are taking to try and immerse their players into as much of the game as possible. Through techniques dubbed...
Anyone who missed L.A. Noire the first time around will have a chance to pick up the now dated PC version on November 8th, 2011. L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition will be available through Steam and also OnLive and...
With some of the biggest titles of the 2011 holiday season still a few weeks away, you might be feeling a bit lost as to what to play, provided that your time isn’t completely absorbed by Gears of War 3. Never...
Bethesda is getting closer and closer to 11/11/11, when they will engulf millions of players into their Elder Scrolls series once again. Now thanks to a press release from the titanic RPG developer, we know exactly...