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gay nerds anniversary birthday

May 8, 2011 Comments (0) Views: 4893 Forum, Industry, Website News

Hello Again, World

gay nerds anniversary birthday

You know, it’s weird thinking that exactly one year ago, was founded. It feels simultaneously very recent and so long ago. I mean, when I think of GN, I still don’t think of it as an established website and community. It’s still a small rag tag group of misfits trying to find their voice in their own little corner of the internet. I still remember that day. Slightly fueled off of nerdy youth and vigor and dissatisfied with the current nerdy and gay sites, I opened a PHP editor and made a quick website. It all feels so recent to me. But when I think about it…


You know, we used to be lucky to get a couple of hundred views a day but now we get thousands. We used to be on page 7 or so of Google but now we’re on page 1 and we’re the first couple of results. No one was really reading our articles but then we got on Kotaku, After Elton, Queerty, gamepolitics and we even were in a magazine in France… We were snubbed for an interview by a writer for Archie Comics but now we’ve spoken with an editor from Marvel, Kirby Krackle, a producer from Oblivion, and hell, Margaret Cho.

We’ve just accomplished so much. It’s pretty crazy. And I know this is going to sound a bit hokey but, I just want to thank all of you from the bottom of my nerdy pixelated little heart. GN could not have gotten here without your help. It would have just been an internet wasteland or a hazy vision without you guys. The contributors put so much work into writing amazing articles and they’d keep me in check when I was frustrated and the community who always so supportive and full of awesome suggestions and ideas. All of you made every single ounce of hard work worthwhile.

So, this month, we’re going to be celebrating with a couple of things. We’ll be releasing our Top 10 Gay Characters in Media lists over the next couple of days on top of our regular content. We’ll also be holding a raffle for some of our oldest members to win some GN swag. Also, keep an eye out for some GN IRL events soon!

Anyway, I hope you guys will stick around and continue helping us make GN your voice, your interests and your home 🙂


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