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March 21, 2011 Comments (0) Views: 5590 Forum

Forum Buzz: Black Plague

If you had not heard of Rebecca Black yet, then you don’t internet very much. A teen girl whose music video for Friday has inspired hate and love, mostly hate, through out the internet and here on GN. Skittzo, the loveable little thing, started the Rebecca Black thread, to which many responded. Below Miss Black’s video are some of comments made by our own gay nerds.

“I just hope that she actually wrote the song… because it’s a perfectly acceptable song for a 14 year old girl with no life experience to have penned” ~parchita
“I feel like pedo bear is behind all of this somehow” ~Mazuma
“This whole “phenomenon” tickles me. The amount of effort and money that goes into some of the videos compared to the amount of actual talent they showcase is pretty astounding” ~sweetdee
“This is one of the best things the internet has seen in years” ~Captain Brolaf
Want more Friday? Think the new Bieber Fever is Black Plague? Check out the thread and give your opinion!

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