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October 18, 2011 Comments (0) Views: 6201 Comics, Industry

NYCC2011 Panel: XX Women in Queer Comics

An audio recording of the panel on lesbians in the comics industry. I apologize for the inconsistent sound. The acoustics of the room were a bit bad but you can still hear the panel pretty well.

From the NYCC pamphlet:

LGBT women and their straight allies are a force to be reckoned with in the comics world. JD Glass (CORE) moderates a dynamic panel exploring the specific challenges they face in the traditional comics world and the changing digital landscape, as well as the unique perspectives, storytelling aesthetics and sense of community they bring to the table. Explore the past, present and future of women in queer comics with Paige Braddock (Jane’s World), Jennifer Camper (Rude Girls and Dangerous Women), Joan Hilty (Bitter Girl), Kris Dresen (She’s In The Trees), Abby Denson (High School Confidential) and Erica Friedman (Yuricon & ALC Publishing)

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