Is DC’s Daring Do Paying Off? (Yes)

Out and Proud: DC’s ‘Bunker’

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December 1, 2011 Comments (0) Views: 6587 Comics

Diesel Wants “Heroes To Rise” And So Do I!

. . . did you all get a good look at this?! True, the commercial would have been better if we had seen some models in those oh-so-smexy undies but I’m hoping we’ll be able to see some of our own Gay-Nerds in them soon enough on the forums! (Girls included; what’s sexier than a girl in boy shorts? I mean, besides a boy in boy shorts.)

Holy homina-homina, Batman!

Diesel, a gay-favorite underwear company, is releasing The Flash, Batman, Green Lantern, and The Joker undies just in time for the holiday season! If you feel your loved one needs some awesome undies as stocking stuffers then these may be just the present for them!

Each pair of undies has a different effect. The Green Lanterns glow in the dark, Batman’s armor only shows up after wearing/washing/scratching them, The Flash’s image appears using your body heat, and the Joker acid image appears after wearing the underwear. Each pack costs $34.00 at the Diesel online store.

You can purchase and view the underwear here!

And let us know what you think of them in our forums! (Please, feel free to post your pics in them)

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