The world of Pokémon is one filled with wonder and amazement. A 10-year-old child is sent out into a land populated by creatures that can breathe fire, shoot water, devour dreams, and that possess bizarre speech...
Wondering what music be hip with the nerdy gays? Well, here’s your chance! Below are 10 songs that have been dominating headphones of our members. Enjoy....
Rarely does one start watching an action movie or playing an adventure game and assume that they’ll find a gay character. M-16s and hunting demons are just not for the friends of Dorothy, if most production companies...
Rarely does one start watching an action movie or playing an adventure game and assume that they’ll find a gay character. M-16s and hunting demons are just not for the friends of Dorothy, if most production companies...
Apologies for posting the podcast a day late. GN just had too much going on yesterday, so we decided not to overload your awesome meters by posting everything at once. That’s our story, and we’re sticking to...
On the GN forums, we like to have our fun. In one of the most recent threads, Fox called out noteDhero, one of our main contributors and challenged him to a picture duel to which the theme is a vaguely Yu-gi-oh and...
Gender: Female Age: 22 Location: Colorado Forum Screen Name: sweetdee Orientation: Gay/Lesbian GN: Congratulations, sweetdee on being Gay Nerd of the Month! GN: Do you have any message for the fans? Dee: Just my thanks....
Fellow nerd site, Gaygamer is organizing a nerd meet up (Thank you Ruben!) and you’re all welcome to join! When: January 8th 2011, 6:30pm Where: Chinatown Fair Video Arcade 8 Mott St (between Chatham Sq &...