Attention Frozen Fans, in order to sate the fandom until the inevitable sequel, Disney is releasing a Frozen short which will be showing before the Cinderella movie on March 13. This new 7-minute short film reunites...
A pixelated tribute to the Simpsons by Paul Robertson, Ivan Dixon and Jeremy Dower. Source:
This is a problem I’ve had since first leaving the closet behind, and I’m sure it’s something other gay nerds have dealt with. You’ve probably heard the phrase “separating the art from the...
Story of Seasons, the spiritual successor to the Harvest Moon franchise by Marvelous AQL, will not contain the options to romance same sex partners. emailed XSEED & Marvelous about the options and they...
EDIT: Kris Anka clarifies that it was not an official Marvel Project but a plan to pitch to them. The wording of my previous post created some confusion that I want to address: The sketches I posted were not for an...
Our universal drag mother and gay patron saint, RuPaul recently had an interview on Engadget about his views on the entertainment industry, his new mobile game called Dragopolis, and his opinion on the year’s...
If any of these gingerbread works of art inspire you, why not try making your own? Here are some supplies to get you started: Gingerbread cookie mix, Royal Icing, Decorating tips, and Piping...
Today, DC comics released all the variant covers for March. All of them are inspired by classic Warner Bros. movies and they range from great to awesome. But the one that caught my eye is the Justice League #40...