10. Vamp – Metal Gear Solid Series LGBT characters rarely get the chance to be badass. Stereotypical representation often relegates them to sidekick or useless party member roles more suited for running away from...
Somewhere deep within the Maxis compound more than a decade ago, Will Wright proposed the idea of smashing a doll house and a God Complex together into one video game where players lead in-game people throughout the...
I honestly had no idea that Arcade was gay until I read more about his character. It’s not that there weren’t hints or that Obsidian were afraid of exposing him as sexual; it’s just that Arcade was...
Dear Dr. Gay nerd, As your biggest gay Sudanese fan I wanna thank you for all the relationship advice which is relatable to me as a gay nerd, it really help me to go out there and meet interesting people. Doctor, I...
9. Oerba Yun Fang and Oerba Dia Vanille – Final Fantasy 13 Final Fantasy 13 made necessary changes to tired JRPG conventions, using a freely flowing battle system and proving that engrossing RPGs can still come...
10. Crassius Curio – The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind RPGs seem to come in two types: the kind where everyone falls in love, has interspecies sex, and sees ten seconds of blue alien side boob, and the kind where...
Everyone has a story in their head they have been dying to get down on paper. Anyone that says differently is lying. Fortunately, most people lack the ability to write coherent storylines, weave character backgrounds,...