Playstation 3 users may see a change in the way they play online this fall. After the German website Konsolentreff put up pictures yesterday of a Resistance 3 bundle listing a feature called “PSN Pass,” rumor mills...
Dear Dr. Gay Nerd, I was checking my college friend’s facebook the other day, and I found the profile of one of her classmates, he was kinda cute so I decided to check it. While I was there I found out that he...
As a Scarlet Betch I love comics: I love readin’ ’em, I love betchin’ about ’em, and I love makin’ ’em! But, though I have years (yeeeaaaars!) of experience doing both reading and...
Hey Betches! We’re back with a special surprise! We welcome special guest commentator and Wikipedia afficionado… Sarah! We say hello to all our new friends at and review the latest summer...
Ruling this morning on the Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association, the U.S. Supreme Court has struck down the Californian law making the sale of violent video games to minors a crime. Citing the first amendment,...
Dear Dr. Gay Nerd- I’m kind of a shy, quiet guy. I’ve got my group of friends who I’m social with, but I’m not the most outgoing person with others. Lately, there’s been this boy at work who’s been...
It’s hard to explain why you’re a pop-punk fan if you are over the age of 20. Most people have a crystalline memory of Blink-182 running around naked and stop their curiosity there. The genre has as much...