’s owner, Chris Vizzini, sent a cease and desist letter to the subreddit, /r/gaymers last night stating that the subreddit must not use the name “gaymer.” This does not come as a surprise because their...
Late yesterday night, r/gaymers, the gay gaming community on Reddit with over 16,500 subscribers, received news that their beloved community may be shut down. The r/gaymers moderators were informed that Reddit had...
Scott Snyder has written my favorite Batman. Period. Snyder’s take on the inner-workings of Batman’s mind go above and beyond anything else I’ve read on the character. What’s more is he and the...
I don’t want to do this review. Seriously. I had really high hopes for this comic. And those hopes were drug out into the street and shot. This comic gets two stars . . ....
Kara Zor-El, I’m sorry, Supergirl, has it made in Post-52 DC. No, she’s not rich and her life hasn’t been easy and she’s been hassled and pretty much had her ass kicked since the get-go. But in...
Our daring Amazon Princess has been through quit a bit since we last left her: She left home, returned only to find that Hera had taken revenge against the Queen of the Amazons, went to hell, almost got married, and...
Gotta love Tina Fey. I practically live to say Liz Lemon quotes but I, for one, am appalled that she thinks nerds aren’t synonymous with cool. Haven’t we taken the word back already since nerd chic became a...