Deconstructing Soul Society

Holiday Nerdery – 5 Holiday Specials You Should Watch!

December 20, 2010 Comments (0) Views: 5096 Anime, Film, Forum, Internet, Television, Videogames, Website News

Happy Non-denominational Winter Time!

Every successful series has a holiday episode and a flashback episode. Well, RCE saves you time and money by combining the two in one festive, creamy package.  Join me and the boys as we hop in the WABAC machine and journey to the Christmases of yesteryear when Gameboys only had one screen and owning a Sega CD made you the coolest kid ever. We also talk about Julia Roberts for some reason.
Listen here.
Talk about RCE here.
And what’s this? More presents near the Festivus pole? is now on Facebook! I’m thinking that if we get enough “Likes” by the end of the week, I’ll post the super secret RCE bloopers that are so secret and super that they had to be edited out of the podcast proper. I know it’s shameless, but the other websites are laughing at our tiny e-peen.

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