10 Things is Grateful for this Thanksgiving

Justice League does Magic Mike

November 28, 2014 Comments Off on After Thanksgiving Special: Pop Nerd Culture Gone Fat Views: 10812 Anime, Comics, Internet, Videogames

After Thanksgiving Special: Pop Nerd Culture Gone Fat

Thanksgiving is a time to let loose. But let’s just say the next couple of characters let loose a little too much.

Alex Solis is a professional designer and illustrator and loves drawing iconic pop culture icons. With a special twist! And by twist, I mean these guys have probably eaten about a thousand churros a piece.  He managed to draw each of his favorite superheroes and iconic characters in various sizes: Chunky, Obese and Rotund.  Enjoy the next couple of pictures! Hopefully this will ease some of the guilt of that 2nd piece of pie. I know it did for me!


Follow Alex Solis here:

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