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After Thanksgiving Special: Pop Nerd Culture Gone Fat

November 27, 2014 Comments Off on 10 Things is Grateful for this Thanksgiving Views: 15716 Internet, Nerds

10 Things is Grateful for this Thanksgiving

1. Hot Cosplayers

We must be thankful for the men who keep us warm despite the winter storm.




2. New Game Releases

We’re thankful for the games that keep us up at night.


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Pokémon Omega Ruby – Nintendo 3DS

Pokémon Alpha Sapphire – Nintendo 3DS

Super Smash Brothers

Super Smash Bros. – Nintendo Wii U

Super Smash Bros. – Nintendo 3DS

Far Cry 4


Far Cry 4 – PlayStation 4

Far Cry 4 – PC

Persona Q


Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth: The Wild Cards Premium Edition – Nintendo 3DS The Wild Cards Premium Edition Edition

3. Dragon Age: Inquisition

Why do we need to be thankful enough that this is on its own category? Because Bioware is continuing its trend of being awesome and this has an extensive character editor and gay storylines and side quests. Plus trans and gay characters!

Dragon Age Inquisition (Deluxe Edition) – PC

Dragon Age Inquisition – PlayStation 4

4. The Steam Sale

Praise be to Gaben

5. Food.


6. Thanksgiving Football


HAHA. No. Not to watch (unless you’re into that sort of thing). To keep everyone busy while you play some games

7. The Entire Series of Gilmore Girls on Netflix


Just got released October 1. Awwwww yisssssssssssss

8. Miss Alaska Tastee Freeze performing ‘Frozen’!

9. Superhero themed dildos

The Turkey isn’t the only thing that needs to get stuffed this holiday


Super Hung Heroes

10. The gay nerd community

Sounds really sappy, I know but you guys are the reason this site even exists. Can’t tell you how grateful I am that there is so much support from the community.

Shoutout to and ! Awesome sites that you should keep track of if ever you want to meet more gay nerds and gay geeks

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