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September 23, 2010 Comments (0) Views: 5496 Forum, Television

Forum Buzz Highlight: Glee!

The new season of Glee has started and here are some of the comments about the show!

HOLY SHIT! Kurt’s future boyfriend has GAY FACE!!!

I died. The performances were awesome. I CAN’T STOP WATCHING THE EPISODE!

This episodewas really good. I was upset when it ended. There was a lot of funny parts in it but one of my faverite is a small convo between sam and puck

Puck: “dude your mouth is huge, how many tennies balls can you fit in there”
Sam:”i don’t know, i have never had any balls in my mouth , have you?” lol

The musical numbers were amazing! I hope Charice isn’t just a cameo thing though. That Chord guy does have a big mouth and me and my sisters were like whoa at Mike’s abs. We also lol-ed at the black guy getting kicked off hahaha

I have missed Sue so, so much.

I agree the music was great. And when i saw Mike’s abs, my jaw droped. i was shocked. Then they little kids took a pic lol

Thank god Shaft is gone. He didn’t do or say anything. I just want Mike gone now…but if he has his shirt off every episode and starts talking, I’ll have less of a problem. The glee club is starting to shape up as a bunch of singers, thankfully, and I really think the show is addressing a lot of its problems. There was remarkably less autotune, and I could hear a lot of the change in sound from everyone’s approach in singing (Sunshine’s accent and Rachel’s over-enunciation).
Though I was skeptical about the casting of Sam, I think he has a really good voice. I just wish he wasn’t singing “Every Rose Has It’s Thorn.” I thought they addressed a lot of criticism well, except for that. Why would a kid just be singing that song in the shower? Is there anyone our age (20s) that was just singing it in high school? Weird.
And I LOVE that Cheyenne Jackson is the new coach for Vocal Adrenaline. We have to hear him sing at least once. Since that’s where Sunshine is, I’m glad that the rivalry is being beefed up with Jesse having graduated.

I have less of a problem with Mike since he could at least dance. Although, he over dances a lot of the time. The abs are just an extra piece of awesome on the side.
I wasn’t impressed with the shower vocals yet again haha. But he has a decent voice

I keep watching Charice’s songs from the first episode, she’s so geeeewwwd. The lady gaga duet was amazing!!

It really was. That and “What I Did For Love” will be downloaded very soon. Also, just from a narrative perspective, I feel like they know what they’re doing this season. The second half of the first season was almost more episodic in the way that relationships would start over and do whatever in the 45 minutes of the episode. I expected Rachel to go, apologize, and everything would be ok, or for Rachel and Finn to break up in the hallway, and then make up by the end of the episode like usual. They’re carrying on Rachel’s insecurity to the next episode (I think that’s a part of her character that always needs to be expressed in order to balance how harsh she is), and for the first time, the two of them seemed like a real couple. I’ll be interested to see how much everyone’s storylines develop considering there will be so many cameos and guest stars. I really hope they can fix Kristen Chenoweth’s character.

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