DC Teases with Wonder Woman’s New Origin

The Adventures of Definitely Not Gay Man!

October 13, 2011 Comments (0) Views: 5412 Comics, Industry, Website News Goes to NY Comic Con 2011!

GN is going to be attending NY Comic Con 2011 and providing you guys with as much coverage as our nerdy little legs allow and as comprehensive as our nerdy little fingers can type. Here are the events that we’ll attempt to cover:

Also, we’ll be attending GeeksOUT’s after con events so you should join them too! Here are the details”

Geeks OUT is going to show you a heck of a time in Hells Kitchen after Comic Con Closes on Friday.

First, We’ll be Gatherting at the Highline on 30th Street and 10th Avenue starting at 8:45.

At 9:15 we’re gonna walk down to The Park (

Expect a fancy drink, and some wonderful nature after an awesome kickoff to a weekend that we’ll all want to spend inside (the Javits Center).


Celebrate New York Comic Con with glitz and glamour! Geeks OUT and Prism Comics present a speical night at The Ritz with a Comic Con costume contest!

The festivities start at 9pm at The Ritz – easy walking distance from NYCC. Costume rentals are only $5 – thanks to Skin Tight USA.

There’s a suggested donation of $5 to benefit our friends at Prism Comics.

Keep an eye out for GN staff if you’re attending the convention or any of the events! We might be busy but we’ll always have time for our readers. See you there!

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