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October 4, 2011 Comments (0) Views: 5924 Comics

Batman Learns the True Meaning of Christmas from Lee Bermejo

Lee Bermejo, best known for his artwork on the Joker graphic novel, is getting his first credit for writing. And what a story to coin . . . 

Batman: Noel is best described as the Dark Knight’s take on the holiday classic A Christmas Carol. First mentioned in February of this year a few pages of the upcoming comic have been released. Bermejo’s artwork is impressive as ever and, though it’s his first shot at writing a graphic novel, it should be interesting to see Batman thrown into the Dickens novella.

Batman will be meeting three villains from his past, present, and future. Though they’ve yet to be announced the clown hints heavily that The Joker will be involved. Will Batman’s Scrooged treatment teach him the meaning of Christmas? Will it melt his icy heart? Will he buy the neighborhood children the fattest goose to eat?

All signs point to “No F*cking Way” but maybe the Batman will at least earn a well deserved Christmas rest.

Below is a sample from the upcoming comic:

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