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April 1, 2011 Comments (0) Views: 6535 April Fools, Books, Nerds

Intelectual Gushing: Left Behind

Movie Left Behind

This series is so powerful, they were able to pull in actors as versatile as Kirk Cameron to star!

I’d just like to take a minute to “Intelectually Gush” over one of history’s most classic series of novels which has surely and truly touched all of our lives.  If you haven’t been blessed enough to partake in the sweet, cool, refreshing waters of this series, I strongly implore you to make the reading of these novels your highest priority!  I’m talking, of course, about the truly inspirational LEFT BEHIND series by the acclaimed Tim LaHaye and the talented Jerry B. Jenkins.
This book series redefined the meaning of EPIC, spanning 16(!!!) full-length novels.  I’d like you to show me your ludicrous fantasy “Lord of the Rings” or sacrilegious witchcraft-encouraging “Harry Potter” series’ holding a torch to this truly lofty lexicon of work!  On top of the novels themselves, the Left Behind series has given us, to quote Wikipedia, “three action thriller films, with a fourth being discussed by Cloud Ten Pictures.”  Three exciting and educational computer games have also been produced, fulfilling the pleasures of less socially active fans!
It isn’t until you take a closer look at the LEFT BEHIND series, however, that you fully begin to appreciate the subtle nuances of pure craft which LaHaye and Jenkins employ to get this thrilling TRUE STORY OF THE FUTURE into the hands of fans!  The opening chapter of the first book hooks you and draws you in with the thrilling tale of an airline pilot who’s being tempted by SINFUL adulterous desires when God’s plan kicks into action and gives him a powerful wakeup call with the miraculous Rapture taking place!
God's Salvation

Are you prepared to be taken directly into Heaven before the Tribulation?

Left Behind Comic

The series is so popular, it was even turned into a comic book!

From here, in the subsequent fifteen novels, the remaining cast of characters is slowly introduced and mysteries piled onto the reader, along with thrilling and dangerous situations for each of the heroes in the story!  However, don’t fear, reader.  There is never too much for you to think about, for storylines are dealt with one-at-a-time and you don’t have to keep track of too much at once.
The writing itself is the best that I’ve ever read throughout my entire life.  The attention to detail which is given simply blows your mind.  For example take this except from the very beginning of the book: “Rayford wanted to be strong, to have answers, to be an example to his crew, to Hattie. But when he reached the lower level he knew the rest of the flight would be chaotic. He was as scared as anyone on board.” Can’t you just feel the level of terror that these characters must be experiencing?  The inner thoughts and motivations of characters becomes clear as well, as evidenced in the following quote:  “The terrifying truth was that he knew all too well. Irene had been right. He, and most of his passengers had been left behind.” Such penetrating writing virtually ensures that, throughout the series, we get to know and love these characters as they embark on their own personal journeys which help them see the Light.
Perhaps the best thing about LEFT BEHIND, however, is how all of the good Christian characters give all other groups their just dues.  The unrepentant people of the Jewish ethnicity are correctly condemned for their guilty role in the crucifixion of our Lord.  The Catholics play a critical role in helping SATAN rise to power, which is bittersweet considering they consider themselves True Christians yet have distorted Jesus’ true teachings with their mockery of faith.  My personal favorite moment of the LEFT BEHIND series came when the gays were given their condemnation.  One of the bravest characters, Buck Williams, successfully blackmailslesbian so that he can get his way.  Her shame of her sinful nature is a truly inspirational moment for any reading the series.
Brothers and Sisters, I truly cannot give this wonderful and wonderfully written series of novels their due credit.  I pray that you all will be able to learn the true joy that LEFT BEHIND can bring so that, when the right time comes, none of you will be left behind!
Video Game Left Behind

An image of the unrepentant sinners being gunned down by the righteous Christians in Left Behind: Eternal Forces!

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