Tapping into the awesome cosplay community, Men Vs. Cosplay wants to create an awesome calendar for 2014. I’m really impressed with the level of detail for these costumes. They definitely fall into the awesome...
Created by famed game designer and critic, Dys4ia is social commentary in the form of a game. It’s a mix of Warioware-esque games that chronicle the experience of transitioning from male to female. This...
One of the most talked and shipped about animes this summer is Free! Iwatobi Swim Club. It originally started out as an animation short and animation exercise but it gained such a cult following that it became a full...
Not going to lie, I had an unrelenting wedding boner after seeing how adorable this entire wedding was. Kevin and Christopher had their wedding themed as “Heroes Versus Villains”. The wedding was fully...
Trinity of Sin: Pandora #2 I finally figured out what I hate about the art in this comic! It’s bad! And not just the me-not-being-impressed-kind-of-bad. There was a panel where Pandora was fighting Vandal Savage...
Hey guys! We’ve got an exciting contest lined up for you today! The theme is “Dating Gone Nerdy”. Basically, photoshop/GIMP/MSpaint/collage your favorite characters into dating/hookup profiles! Is...
Hey hey!!!! This week not only will I be reviewing my pulls (including two Marvel comics that aren’t on my pull list) but I’ll be on the Hero Nuggets Podcast!!!! Check it all out after the jump!...