Pokémon, the sometimes adorable little monsters stuffed inside expandable balls. As a beloved game series for many gamers worldwide, it’s no surprise a wild Poké-thread has appeared on the forums. Pokemon...
Last fall, Madhouse began airing the first of four Marvel adaptations for the Japanese audience with the release of Iron Man. With the Winter season in full swing, it’s now James Howlett’s turn for the...
Gender: Male Age: 29 Location: Chile Forum Screen Name: Arkano18 Orientation: Gay GN: So, Arkano18, Congratulations on being February’s Gay Nerd of the Month! GN: Especially for this month, it being the month of...
Gender: Male Age: 29 Location: Chile Forum Screen Name: Arkano18 Orientation: Gay GN: So, Arkano18, Congratulations on being February’s Gay Nerd of the Month! GN: Especially for this month, it being the month of...
Last spring NBC gave the ax to the one-time cultural phenomenon, Heroes, despite the fact that the channel was desperate for any random TV show due to Jay Leno failing to get the ratings that local affiliates needed for...
Thanks to Printfection, we’re having an awesome sale for all of our T-shirts only for today! And to commemorate it, we are releasing 7 new T-shirt designs. Here’s a peek of the shirts we have in our store....
Drafting with the new Mirrodin Besieged set can be quite the moral challenge. Should you take the side of resistance and build up an army of knights and artifact creatures to bulwark the lands against infection, or put...