Just posting the last of the pictures from the convention. There were definitely really awesome costumes and silly ones. My favorites were Confused Grundy, Shirtless Layton and Steam Punk Claw guy. Share yours! ...
One of the hardest elements of tabletop gaming is getting people to care about the world and circumstances they’re playing with. Not everyone wants to search for bejeweled swords, solve political unrest, or put...
The DCAU has come out with some fantastic, wonderful straight-to-DVD movies. I’m looking forward to “Batman: Year One,” which has been getting good reviews so far, and every one of their shorts is...
Courtesy of Gamesradar Grand Theft Auto 5. We knew it was coming. It’s like saying that there’s gonna be another Mario game or an update to Madden. Putting it into words seems almost asinine. But then we get...
As gaming trends into the digital era, more and more developers are starting to increase the longevity of their games not by the tried-and-true method of regular releases of expansion packs (Here’s looking at you,...
Everything about Dragon’s Dogma confused us at some point while playing the New York ComicCon demo. Not only does it have a name that just seems…odd, we have to wonder whether or not the developer team at...