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July 26, 2011 Comments Off on Countdown to Gay Nerds at Otakon 2011! Views: 6736 Anime

Countdown to Gay Nerds at Otakon 2011!

That’s right, kids, Gay Nerds is heading down to Baltimore for Otakon 2011! There’ll be crazy costumes, famous animators, panels about tentacles and their relationship to the human body, and much, much more. Here’s a quick rundown of just a fraction of the amazing events going on at Otakon this year that we’ll be covering:

-Nobuo Uematsu will appear on Friday, July 29th at a special Q&A and autograph session. Autographs will cost $20, with the money going towards the very good cause of earthquake relief in Japan through the Japanese Red Cross.

-Speaking of charity, Otakon goers will have tons of chances to help out the relief efforts in Japan during the weekend. T-shirts, buttons, ribbons, keychains, wristbands, and special Madoka Magica commemorative posters, exclusive to Otakon 2011, will be sold in the dealer’s room to raise money. Benefitting charities include Habitat for Humanity Japan, Second Harvest Japan, The Japanese Red Cross, and Save the Children: Japan Earthquake Tsunami Children in Emergency Fund.

-The world premiere of Full Metal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos along with a special Q&A session with series director and honored Otakon guest Kazuya Murata. This event’s kind of a big deal.

-In addition, FUNimation will premiere Hetalia World Series and run a Q&A panel with some of the guys behind Hetalia, including Bob Shirohata (the director of Hetalia), Scott Sager (Animation Engineer for the show), Akira Sasanuma (the voice of Austria), Scott Freeman (Britain), Patrick Seitz (Germany), and J. Michael Tatum (France).

Paranoia has his bags packed and camera ready, but before we let him out of his admin cage, we’ve got to celebrate GN’s first outing with a fancy press pass. So all this week, we’ll be unleashing some extra magical features as a countdown to Otakon, including the beginning of a brand new part of the site! What could it be? Exactly how gay and/or nerdy is it? Why do we keep Paranoia in a cage?! Soon all your questions will be answered.

Except for why we keep Paranoia in a cage. That part should be obvious. Oh, and while you’re here, check out some teaser images for those events.


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