Scarlet Betch Video Podcast Roundup: Episodes 55-61

New Max Payne 3 trailer recalls Pop Up Video.

September 22, 2011 Comments (0) Views: 11544 Advice, Anime, Books, Comics, Film, Forum, Industry, Internet, Music, Nerds, TCG, Television, Videogames, Website News

Gay Nerds Wants You!

‘Sup Nerds? Gay Nerds is looking for a few contributors to volunteer and join our ranks. We want to invite you to try your hand at featured content writing! If you’ve got a passion for all things nerdy and feel that you can inspire that same passion in others through your words, you just may have exactly what it takes to fit into the Gay Nerds staff!

So what are we looking for?

Anime Editor
First, we need a guy/gal who’s pretty well-versed in the wide spectrum of anime. Everything from shounen ai to yaoi and yuri will ideally be understood by our candidate, who will use their knowledge to produce featured anime articles, comment on current anime news, and expose new fandoms to readers. Share your passion for anime with Gay Nerds readers and bring some excitement to the community!

Comic Editor
Comic geeks, we’re not forgetting about you! Are you pretty knowledgeable about all of the major comic book multiverses (as well as some of the less-common ones)? Can you review story lines as well as report on new comic-related news? Do you have any ideas for feature articles that can expose comics to a new crowd? If so, you may be just the person we’re looking for!

Graphic Artist/Illustration Artist
Can you equip a +10 pencil of awesome? Were you into making motivational posters before it was cool? Are you up to date on your rage faces? If you’re an artist with a point of view, we’d love to see it! We’re looking for someone with Photoshop experience who can whip up images in a jiffy or a comic artist who loves to draw about things gay and nerdy. This is an excellent opportunity to increase your portfolio with fun entries!

Finally, we want someone who simply holds a passion for writing. You don’t have to be a SuperNerd ™ to have a place on our staff. A little bit of nerd-ery can go a long way when you have a way with words! If you’re interested in helping us put together featured content from all walks of nerddom, we’ve got a place for you! If you’ve got an eye for editing and crafting headlines and are willing to explore a variety of nerdy subjects, this may be the perfect position for you!

Of course, as always, we’re always looking for submissions from anyone with a particular gay and/or nerdy topic of interest! If you’ve got something gay and nerdy that you’re just dying to share… shoot it our way! You never know what’ll end up on our front page!

If you’re interested, email us at sup(at)gay(dash)nerds(dot)com (just replace the words and parentheses with the appropriate punctuation [silly spam bots]). Just include a little blurb about who you are, your experiences and a sample of your writing

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