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mine craft release

November 17, 2011 Comments (0) Views: 5235 Videogames

Minecraft Set To Release on Friday

Although it seems that everybody has been playing the game for several years now, Notch revealed the news on his Tumblr blog that the complete, non-beta version of Minecraft will be available this Friday, November 18.

The last few weeks have been incredibly stressful and emotional in many ways, and I feel so relieved to finally have a finished version of Minecraft to release to the world on Friday. But that doesn’t mean we’ll stop working on Minecraft! We’ll keep adding to the game just as we have so far, and we have many exciting plans for the next year.. some of these will be announced fairly soon.

Minecraft is the best selling independent game in history, selling over 4 million copies and generating $50 million in revenue for developer Notch.  It was originally released in its Alpha stage on May 19, 2009 and has been receiving various updates working its way to Gold status this month.  Minecraft is also available for the iOS and Android.  The Xbox 360 version, along with Kinect features, is slated for release on Spring 2012.

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