What The Fanfic: Harry Potter and the Half-Cat Man

The Official Gay-Nerds Podcast!

November 29, 2010 Comments (0) Views: 5474 Comics, Internet

Happy Birthday, Greg Rucka

Greg Rucka

Photo © Linnea Osterberg would like to wish Greg Rucka a very happy birthday today! You, sir, are the bee’s knees.

Rucka’s writing credits include his hit Queen & Country series, numerous comic books (like his much lauded run on Detective Comics featuring Batwoman), and even video games. I could go on for days talking about how awesome he is, but I’ll keep things brief. Thank you, Greg. Thanks for the dedication you put into your work, thanks for writing amazing gay characters, and thanks for being an inspiration to aspiring writers everywhere.

Are you a fan? Talk about it on the forums.

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