“Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” Graphic Novel by Vertigo Goes to NY Comic Con 2011!

October 13, 2011 Comments (0) Views: 5501 Comics

DC Teases with Wonder Woman’s New Origin

DC has teased that they would soon be announcing the origin of a Justice Leaguer at this years NYCC. While guesses were abound, DC has stated that Wonder Woman would discover something about her origins that we previously didn’t know.

When asked about it last month Azzarello stated that her origin was “intact.” He had stated that he didn’t want to look too much into her origin in Issue #1 but DC has revealed that Zeus, King of the Gods, is Wonder Woman’s daddy.  I’m assuming that she’s still made of clay and was raised by Hippolyta. Considering Hippolyta’s nature I doubt she and Zeus were lovers, it’s more likely that Zeus did some Olympian magic to imbue the clay form with a soul.

Zeus, almighty

Now that Wonder Woman’s heritage is revealed new questions are raised: If Cassandra Sandsmark is still the demi-god daughter of Zeus (after the Titan’s relaunch we’re still unsure of how altered her history is) how will this affect the relationship between Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman? And concerning the prophecy regarding Zeus’ children in Wonder Woman #1: If the children of Zeus are destined to fight and rise above each other what does that have in store for our Princess?

Let us know in the forums what you think of this new information regarding the Princess’ origin.

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