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Forum Buzz Highlight: Diva D-d-d-duel!

Are They or Aren’t They?: Kratos

January 4, 2011 Comments (0) Views: 5397 Books, Comics, Film, Forum, Music, Videogames, Website News

RCE #5 – Look to the Future

Apologies for posting the podcast a day late. GN just had too much going on yesterday, so we decided not to overload your awesome meters by posting everything at once. That’s our story, and we’re sticking to it.
Last week the RCE crew took a look back at 2010, so this week we’re taking a peek forward at all the games and stuff we’re looking forward to in 2011…if we can actually remember that it is 2011. Oh, and MASSIVE SPOILER ALERTS for the last Twilight book and pretty much the whole Harry Potter series and maybe some other stuff that’s only been around forever. You have been warned.

Talk about the nerdy things you’re looking forward to this year in the forums.

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